Instrumentation Valves
Instrumentation ball valves are used in a variety of instrumentation, CNG, control systems, utilities, and other applications.

Instrumentation Ball Valves
Instrumentation ball valves are used in a variety of instrumentation, CNG, control systems, utilities, and other applications. Pressures up to 10,000 PSIG. Connection sizes 1/8" - 3/4". Temperature ranges from -65 to 450F.
- EB Series One-Piece Instrumentation Ball Valves
- FloLok300 Series General Utility Ball Valves
- TB Series Trunnion Ball Valves
- FB Series Multipurpose Ball Valves

Actuated Ball Valve Assemblies
Assembled automated valve packages for SSP EB, FB and TB series ball valves are available. Actuators are available in 90° and 180° double acting, spring to open, spring to close and spring to center actions with a wide variety of solenoids, limits switches and other accessories to meet your applications’ requirements. Packages are engineered with components selected specifically for each valve. SSP can also assemble packages with customer-specified actuators, solenoids, limit switches and other components.

Needle Valves
Needle valves are used in a variety of instrumentation, CNG, control systems, utilities, and other applications. Pressures up to 10,000 PSIG. Connection sizes 1/8" - 1". Temperature ranges from -100 to 1,200F.
- Integral Bonnet Needle Valves
- Severe Service Locked Bonnet Needle Valves
- Needle Gauge Valve and Block & Bleed Valves
- Rising Plug and Gauge Valves
- Lower Packing Needle Valves

Plug Valves
Plug valves are used in a variety of instrumentation, CNG, control systems, utilities, and other applications. Pressures up to 3,000 PSIG. Connection sizes 1/8" - 1/2". Temperature ranges from -10 to 400F.

Check Valves
Check valves are used in a variety of instrumentation, alternative fuels, small process applications and other applications. Pressures up to 6,000 PSIG. Connection sizes 1/8" - 1". Temperature ranges from -100 to 900F. Cracking pressures from 1/3 to 600 PSIG.
- Ball Poppet Check Valves
- Fixed Cracking Pressure Check Valves
- Adjustable Cracking Pressure Check Valves
- High-Pressure Check Valves
- Lift Check Valves

Proportional Relief Valves
Relief valves are designed to protect pressure-sensitive equipment by diverting flow in order to relieve pressure upstream of sensitive equipment.
- High-Pressure Relief Valves having working pressure up to 6,000 PSIG. Set pressure ranges from 50 to 6,000 PSIG. Temperature ranges from -40 to 300F.
- Low-Pressure Relief Valves having working pressure up to 3,000 PSIG. Set pressure ranges from 10 to 225 PSIG. Temperature ranges from -40 to 300F.

Metering Valves
Metering valves are designed for analyzers, instrumentation, laboratory, and other applications where accurate control of flow is required. Pressures up to 6,000 PSIG. Connection sizes 1/8" - 1/2". Temperature ranges from -40 to 600F.

Bleed/Purge Valves
Bleed/purge valves can be used on instrumentation devices such as multi-valve manifolds or gauge valves to vent signal line pressure before removal of an instrument or to assist in calibration of control devices. Pressures up to 10,000 PSIG. Connection sizes 1/8" - 1/2". Temperature ranges from -65 to 850F.

Toggle Valves
Toggle valves are designed for quick actuation and positive on-off control of media in low-pressure and temperature applications encountered in instrumentation sampling and laboratory systems. Temperature ranges from -20 to 200F.

Process Ball Valves
Process ball valves are used in a variety of industries including: chemical, biotech, semiconductor, pharmaceutical, petro-chem, food & beverage, oil & gas, refining, utilities, and other applications.

Cryogenic Valves
Cryogenic valves are the quality solution for tough applications involving all types of cryogens: oxygen, hydrogen, methane, ammonia, nitrogen, fluorine, and LNG.

High Pressure Valves
High-pressure applications require precision engineering, rugged construction, and special features for advanced performance and safety.

High Temperature Valves
High temperature (metal seated) valves are a proven choice for the industry's toughest and most demanding applications.

Hygienic/Sanitary Valves
Hygienic/sanitary valves are specifically engineered to meet the demanding requirements of Biotech, Cosmetics, Food & Beverage and other industries where contamination can threaten the outcome of processing.

Industrial Valves
Industrial valves must meet safety, environmental, durability and maintainability requirements of modern industrial systems. Industrial valves are certified to API-607 fire safe design and API-608 in class 150, 300 , 600 and 900.

Fire Safe Ball Valves
Fire safe ball valves, certified to the latest API-607 and API-608 standards, satisfy a wide range of industrial applications for processing and handling flammable fluids.

3-Piece Instrumentation Ball Valves
3-piece ball valves are compression-ended valves designed to be compatible with all of the leading instrument fittings. These valves have a vast selection of seats, seals, and integral ISO mounting pad.

Special Alloy Valves
Special alloy valves are designed for demanding applications. They are engineered and manufactured to meet applications requiring all wetted metal parts to be Alloy 20 or Hastelloy.

Seal Welded
Seal welded ball valves are ASME B16.34 and API 608 compliant to support demands for critical-service products and are tested & certified to the newest Fugitive Emissions Standard, API 641.

Process Instrumentation Valves
Process instrumentation valves are used in a variety of instrumentation, CNG, control systems, utilities, and other applications.

Instrument Needle Valves
Instrument Needle valves are used in a variety of instrumentation, CNG, control systems, utilities, and other applications. Pressures up to 10,000 PSIG. Connection sizes 1/4" - 1".

Manifold Valves
Manifold valves are used in a variety of instrumentation, CNG, control systems, utilities, and other applications.

Primary/Gauge/Block and Bleed Valves

Monoflange Valves
Monoflange valves are used on upstream offshore/onshore gas and oil production and initial processing installations. Typically used on gas gauge pressure instrument applications to minimize the size and weight of the pipe-valve assemblies used for primary and/or secondary isolation, vent, and calibration. Also used in downstream oil and gas refining and petrochemical production on flanged processes, primarily on light end gas applications. High-quality metal-to-metal shutoff meets ANSI Class VI criteria.

Hexblok Modular Double Block and Bleed Valves
Hexbloks are used on upstream offshore/onshore oil production and initial processing installations. Typically used on liquid hydrocarbon applications to minimize the size and weight of the pipe-valve assemblies associated with gauge pressure or analytical instrumentation. Used specifically for primary and/or secondary isolation, vent and calibration access, or sampling or injection applications. Also used in downstream oil refining and petrochemical production on flanged process piping.

Manifold Stabilizer Taps
Stabilized taps provide a means of transferring the radial load away from NPT type threads. This results in a much stronger joint between the pipe thread and the orifice fitting.